Admission Procedure

Hillwoods School

An application for registration is the first stage of the admission process. At the  time of submission of form, a photocopy of the Birth certificate duly attested by a gazetted officer and two photographs of the student applicant are to be attached with the form.

A registration fee must be deposited along with the Application so that the child's name may be entered in the school record & waiting list for the year & class for which admission is sought. This fee is neither refundable nor adjustable. Registration of a student is by no means a guarantee of his/her admission.

Every registered child will have to take an Entrance Examination. After clearing the written test, the child along with his/her parent will be expected to interact with teachers, which will be the final round for clearing the admission test.

Step by Step Guide to the Admission Procedure
Complete a Registration Form and send this to the admission Office

In due course, you will be contacted and invited to bring your child to the  school for complete various assessment tests.

The student who is to be admitted to the school for the first time, must produce the original birth certificate and deposit a photostat copy of the same at the time of registration. (Note: Not applicable for kindergarten)

If your child is found acceptable after the assessment tests have been marked, you complete an application form .


After a child has been accepted and the entrance fee has been paid, you have to furnish the following :

    A photocopy of your child’s birth certificate
    Two recent passport size photographs
    Photocopy of the Residential Proof
    Your distance in kilometer from the school.
For availing transport facilities, please contact the transport In-charge

All mail should be addressed to

Hillwoods School
Sector - 25, Electronics Estate,
Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
Phone : 079-23287174, 079-23287175

All fees can be either paid in cash or by cheque made payable to Hillwoods School.


Admission & Withdrawal of Pupils
The Headmistress/Principal reserves to herself the right to refuse admission to any boy/girl without furnishing any reason.
Formal admission is complete only after the Application form has been considered by the Headmistress/Principal, the parents informed of her decision and an Admission Card, signed by the Principal issued ordinarily after an interview. Mere payment of the prescribed admission fee does not, in itself satisfy conditions for admission.
The student who is to be admitted to the school for the first time, must produce the original birth certificate and deposit a photostat copy of the same at the time of registration.
No pupil will be admitted to the School without a Transfer Certificate from the last School which he/she last attended.
For withdrawal of pupil from the school a month's notice must be given in writing; otherwise a month's fee will be charged.
The School Management, acting through the Headmistress/Principal, reserves the right to strike off the rolls, the name of the child whose conduct has been deemed to be unsatisfactory. In such cases the Headmistress/Principal, does not find it obligatory to give any reason.
The School Management, acting through the Headmistress/Principal, will request the withdrawal of a pupil who fails for two consecutive years in the same class.
The name of a pupil who remains absent without leave for six consecutive days may be struck off the rolls. If readmitted, admission fee will be charged again.
Strictly no cash is allowed in school. This is a rule which must be adhered to and any lapse is immediately punishable by five bad marks.


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