Author Visit Workshop | ||
The beginning of the New Year was wonderful for the students of classes VI, VII and VIII as they got a chance to interact with Ms.Scharada Dubey during the workshop conducted in the school on 04-01-17. Ms. Scharada Dubey is a renowned author and her journey of writing began 22 years ago. Till now she has penned down 16 books in her name and her 17th is awaited to be published in 2017. |
Hillwoods participates in ATL Workshop | ||
It was very prestigious thing for Hillwoods School to be selected among over 30000 schools in India to compete in ATL (Atal Tinkering Labs: Innovation Challenge) and an even more prestigious thing to be selected from over a 100 schools in Gujarat. Atal Tinkering Laboratories are being established to nourish and foster innovative ideas of young minds, especially school children. With afore said vision Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India. Each school had to present 2 challenges found in its vicinity and had to come up with a innovative way to combat this problem. After thorough discussions Hillwoods finalized the challenges as 'Water logging' and 'Waste created due to Styrofoam'. A team was selected for this competition which was to be held art Pune. Vaibhav Vijay, Hansit Patel and Abhishek Joshi for this purpose and the teacher accompanying them was Mrs.Sushma Jha. After reaching Pune on a very cold night our contestants prepared throughout the night for the competition which lay ahead of them in the morning. In the morning Hillwoods School was given its time slot during which it had to present its challenges. Hillwoods presented the topic in pace with the time slot and the judges applauded the creative solutions that the students had come up with. But the exposure and the experience Hillwoodians got while on this trip was incomparable to any other competition. And finally it was time to go home as the competition ended. We were told that the results were to be declared within a fortnight. And Hillwoods awaits this result eagerly while maintaining an attitude of indifference to whether it won or not. |
Teacher's Workshop on CSPathshala | ||
As we participate in the digital revolution, there is a need to teach our children to be socially responsible, digital citizens and train them to be creators and inventors of technology. It is therefore imperative to teach computing which promotes problem solving, computational thinking and critical reasoning skills at par with Mathematics and Sciences. CSpathshala is an initiative to bring a modern computing curriculum to Indian schools. Google has provided seed funding to start this initiative.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India as a part of its CSpathshala education initiative, organized a workshop on October 22 from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at School Of Computer Studies, Ahmedabad University, AG Campus, Ahmedabad. The workshop was aimed at to promote teaching computing as a science to develop problem solving and computation thinking skills. Two teachers of Computer Department, Ms. Ekta Shroff and Ms. Priya Ganjoo attended the workshop. |
Teacher's Workshop on Soft Skills | ||
Aim of such programs is that the Teacher�s should be able to:
Art & Craft Workshop | ||
A workshop on "Art & Craft was conducted by Ms. Hemali Mewada on June 22, 2016. In this workshop different techniques related to art and craft were demonstrated by "Learning by doing" methodology. Teachers were taught different styles of decorations to make the class boards more decorative and attractive. Teachers were also given knoweldge on proper use of color combination. Teachers also learnt how to make different type of borders. Teacher enjoyed the workshop. |
Inhouse Departmental Workshops | ||
Inhouse departmentwise workshops were conducted as follows:
Seminar on Save Vultures | ||
�If you like a clean environment, Thank a Vulture!� Its truly amazing how nature without even having to do anything can easily connect people. Grab our attention, without us even realising. And this is exactly what it did. A workshop on-�save vultures� was held on the 6th of May. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Satish Pande. He is an eminent radiologist who is a guide to doctors doing their MD. By hobby he is an ornithologist who has done PhD from Pune University. He is also a fellow of the Linnean Society, one of the highest honours. The vulture population in India has suddenly declined in the past 12 years. And that too by a whopping 99%. Vultures in India are at a very precarious position, tipping dangerously towards extinction. Vultures are the natural cleaners of the environments. They feed on dead and decaying animals, thus ensuring the cleanliness of the environment. Earlier, when humans were less self-centred and thought about other life forms, the vultures thrived. The Parsi Communities believed that their bodies should be left untouched after death so that vultures can come and feast on the bodies. They believed that only after doing so will they have done something for the environment. But now, due to the ban put on such practices, the vulture population fell. Their diet is now scarce. But all hope is not lost yet. It is a delight and a relief to hear that certain foundations-like the Ela foundation- have taken an initiative for the conservation of vultures. But only through everyone�s contribution shall these vultures thrive again. Hopefully, through our joint efforts we shall now see an incline in vulture population instead of a decline. All in all it was a very interactive and educational workshop. The spontaneous claps, attentiveness and engrossment are clear indicators of such. And we hope that our students spread awareness and do their part in saving the vultures. |
Seminar on Trip to NASA | ||
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On April23, 2016 a seminar was held in Hillwoods�s auditorium. A representative of AAI Edutours named Rohit Dhave hosted the seminar. The first thing he did was to thank Hillwoods for giving his company a chance to represent his company�s motive and to tell about the tours which the company is planning for school students. Class VI to X were attending that seminar. The representative Mr. Rohit Dhave told us about their company that, hat their company was a National Award Winner in 2000 and was the first company to plan customized tours. He told that their company, this time, was taking school students to USA. In USA the students were going to visit three places namely Orlando, Nigra falls and New York city. Then he told us about the whole 10 days planning which included:
GMUN Workshop | ||
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The orientation on GMUN-Gujarat Model United Nations was held on April 06, 2016 for the students of classes 8 to 10 in the auditorium from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. The members of the GMUN - Mr. Neil Dattatreya, Mr. Arihant Chopra, Ms. Richa Shah, Ms. Pratiti Shah and Mr. Jaineel Shah briefed the students regarding GMUN and its objectives, way of functioning and the procedures undertaken for registration and membership.
They highlighted the benefits of joining the organization. They particularly stressed on reclusive students and students with low self-esteem and stage fright to participate in the upcoming session to be held at Narayani Heights. |
SUPW Report | ||
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Socially Useful Productive Workshop (SUPW) was conducted on 16/4/16 from 8.30 to 10.00 a.m. The theme of SUPW workshop was "Best Out of Waste". Children brought some waste material and they made beautiful and useful things like live Aquarium, Bird-Feeder, Pen-Stand, Puppet, Jewellery Box, Flower Pot, Candleholder and different types of Fruit Baskets. They showed full enthusiasm in this workshop. They learnt many new things from their teachers and classmates and also learnt the value of waste things. In this workshop they enjoyed a lot. |